Education Loans / RG Masomo Loans
Education loans in Kenya are financial products offered by RG Sacco Ltd to help individuals finance their education expenses, or that of their children, siblings, etc. These loans are specifically designed to cover costs associated with education such as tuition fees, books, accommodation, and other related expenses.
Eligibility Criteria: Typically, all members of RG Sacco Ltd are eligible for education loans. To apply one must have saved consistently for the last three months, and also have some kind of collateral such as shares and / or guarantors.
Loan Amount: The loan amount can vary depending on the level of education, type of school/ college and the specific program being pursued. Sometimes we may offer full coverage of tuition fees and related expenses. Read more about back to budgeting tips here.
Repayment Terms: Repayment terms for education loans vary depending on the borrower’s ability and the specific terms of the loan agreement. In some cases, repayment may begin immediately after disbursement, while in others, a grace period may be provided. Typically all education loans are payable within a period of one year.
Application Process: The application process for education loans in Kenya typically involves submitting an application form along with relevant supporting documents, such as report forms, academic transcripts, fees balance report, admission letters, and proof of identity.
To apply please fill in the following