Do you have a business plan or a great business that you would like to expand with a personal loan. Well in Kenya you can get financial help from banking institutions and Micro finance groups that offer financial help to business owners. At RG Sacco Ltd., we offer financial help to business in form of personal loans, overdrafts and emergency loans. If you are looking for a cheap personal loan that has a flexible repay period, contact us today and we will be glad to assist you.

Personal loan from RG Sacco Ltd.

The process of obtaining a loan from our banking institution is very easy. All you have to do is to open an account with us and deposit at least Ksh. 50/= per day for three months. Once you have done that, we will calculate your savings and give you a loan that is three times of your savings.

You can register with us, through this page and we will contact you soon. Submitting online often speeds up the process relative to sending in paperwork.

We only ask our members for loan security or collateral. Just save with us for three months and we will give you a loan of three times your personal savings.


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