How to repay your loan using Mpesa:

  • Go to Mpesa menu
  • Select Lipa na Mpesa
  • Choose Buy Goods and Services option
  • Enter Mpesa Till No: 145149
  • Enter the amount
  • Enter your pin and send.

Once you send money for loan repayment through Mpesa, you will get an sms from RG Sacco confirming that your money has been received plus the new outstanding loan balance. Once you clear a loan within the stipulated period, you graduate and qualify for a higher amount. Minimum loan amount is Kshs. 5,000 while the highest is Kshs. 20 Million.

Borrowing should always be budgeted for, and carefully planned, so you know whether you can afford the repayments. Always repay your loan as scheduled and where possible ahead of schedule. Late payment may not only result in penalties, but may disqualify you for further credit. Whenever you are not able to make payments on time, call the Credit Dept in advance and explain.


  • Must have saved consistently.
  • Minimum loan amount is Ksh. 5000/-
  • Loans given 3-4 times your savings
  • You can use shares as loan security if you don’t have a guarantor.
  • Minimum saving period is one month
  • Repayment period upto 24 months
  • Must have paid the previous loans well to qualify for higher amount.


  1. Mobiloan – 3,000 – 50,000
  2. Rise Loans: Ksh. 5,000 – 70,000
  3. Grow loans: 75,000 – 1,000,000
  4. Elimu loans: Ksh. 10,000 – 150,000
  5. Kilimo loans: Ksh. 20,000 – 500,000
  6. Imara Loans: 1M – 5M
  7. Asset Finance – upto 10M
  8. Project Finance – upto 20M
RG sacco savings challenge 2025

We give loans to both individuals and Groups.