Download RG Sacco Android App and enjoy Virtual Sacco Services
RG Sacco App is among the best sacco app in Kenya 2023. With it, you can:-
Register and activate your account.
Login, view your account, savings, shares and loans. Access all account statements free of charge.
You get SMS notification for every transaction. RG Sacco App is the Sacco’s mobile banking application that allows you to access and enjoy services like transfers to M-pesa, etc. This platform integrates the Sacco to other online platforms to facilitate payments via VISA, Mastercard and all other payments
On the app, you can request for a loan, or even request cash withdrawal if you have a current account. All processing is done online, and fast, with SMS notifications on the progress of your application.
Download and install RG Sacco App from APKombo or from the Google Play Store.
We safeguard your information, and maintain maximum confidentiality. We also ensure highest security measures are implemented to keep our app safe. For Technical support: WhatsApp: +254700 080 900.
To Activate your App: Enter your phone and ID number and an OTP shall be send to you via SMS. Login to the app using the OTP and you you will be prompted to change to your own preferred 4-digit PIN to use every time you access the app.
WhatsApp: +254700 080 900.